Thursday, September 4, 2014


Wasted effort is always such a shitty feeling. But, here's some more amateur advice; Don't give someone the time of day that wouldn't even take the time to look in your direction.  One of the hardest things to realize about someone is if they actually care or not.  In most cases, and dealing with most college guys, the answer is no. There is only one thing they want and if you're unwilling to give that to them then that's it.  They don't speak anymore and they move on with their vicious fangs and search for someone else to corrupt. Each day I try my hardest to learn something new, and somedays things just happen and it happens to be a lesson that I didn't even know that I needed. Here's the thing. Keep your romantic interest meter-stick distance away at all times, but keep those friends close. You never know when you'll need them and better yet when they will need you.
Just think about things. And also sleep a lot.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Realization is something that tends to sneak up and slam into me like a whining freight train. 

Here's some amateur advice: If a guy you've known for approximately two days asks you to be his (I love air quotes) "girlfriend", then he's either super desperate or only after one thing; and, that one thing probably isn't your bubbly personality. And better yet, when he "breaks" up with you via text after a week of knowing one another, his mission of getting into your cute Nike shorts has ultimately failed. 

Think about it, but do not over-think it. 
That is possibly the worst thing I tend to do. I always psycho-analyze everything, and in the end it just drives me absolutely insane. For the past few days I've thought of all the possible scenarios to this failed situation. But, then I came to the realization that it wasn't me at all. I didn't "break" up with him. I didn't send that shitty text message. Don't blame yourself for other people's stupidity. 

My other piece of amateur advice is to always have someone that can peer into any situation and tell you what's going on. With relationships, it's painfully easy to be blinded by words as opposed to actions. Be sure to realize what's going on. Pretty words aren't always true and true words aren't always pretty. 
